DRCP at instance startup
Patrice sur GMail
2018-09-12 16:35:02 UTC
We can start the pool using pl/sql... is there a way to ensure that the
DRCP is restarted automatically when the instance comes back up after a
server is rebooted?

i.e. is it safe to rely on a startup trigger trigger to launch it.

-- Patrice
My profiles: [image: Facebook]
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Ilmar Kerm
2018-09-12 16:41:47 UTC
We do not do anything, it just starts by itself (RAC).
Post by Patrice sur GMail
We can start the pool using pl/sql... is there a way to ensure that the
DRCP is restarted automatically when the instance comes back up after a
server is rebooted?
i.e. is it safe to rely on a startup trigger trigger to launch it.
-- Patrice
My profiles: [image: Facebook]
Twitter] <http://www.twitter.com/PatriceBoivin>
Ilmar Kerm
Andy Sayer
2018-09-12 17:09:07 UTC
Just to confirm using the docs (from 11.1 as that was the first google hit)
“Once started, the connection pool remains in this state until it is
explicitly stopped. The connection pool is automatically restarted when the
database instance is restarted if the pool was active at the time of
instance shutdown.”

Hope that helps,
