Restore of archivelog from OSB via zdlra
2018-07-27 05:51:10 UTC
Hi all,

RA Library
obtool version
Protected DB version:

I'm taking RMAN backups to zdlra, and copying the backuppieces to tape. The
backup and restore to and from ZDLRA works perfectly.

I'm now trying to utilise the copy-to-tape facility using OSB. The tape
drive model is HP Ultrium LTO 5. The tape library model is SL30000 managed
by ACSLS. The backup, validate and crosscheck of the backuppieces on OSB.
But the restore hangs. We were told that the bug should have been fixed in
the RA_automation but it does not appear to be the case.

I have a few issues that I hope someone can help me with here.

1) I've set retention policy on the RA to one day and 2 weeks on tape
(OSB), however, all backups still exist in both the RA and tape. I have not
been able to recreate the scenario where backups exist only on tape. I've
reduced the space reserved for the protected database and it has not
helped. What is the trick to getting the retention policy working as I need

2) In order to force a restore of a backuppiece on osb I've had to delete
the backuppiece in the RA. A validate works but a restore hangs.

The sbtio.log shows the below repeatedly:

Status => 449
Reason => Retry Request
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Code>Retry Request</Code>
<Message>ORA-45200: HTTP status code: 449
ORA-45210: resource busy, retry possible

An RMAN debug shows the thing sleeping for 10 seconds and goes in a loop

4767 DBGRPC: 2 STEPstepid=2 cmdid=1 status=STARTED
devtype=SBT_TAPE instid=2 parms=SBT_LIBRARY=/u01/app/oracle/admin/
credential_alias= zdlraingest-scan:1521/zdlra:dedicated')
4768 DBGRPC: krmqgns: no work found for channel ORA_DISK_1
4769 DBGRPC: (krmqgns)
4770 DBGRPC: EXITED krmqgns with status 1
4771 DBGRPC: krmxpoq - returning rpc_number: 8 with status:
STARTED148 for channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1
4772 DBGRPC: krmxr - sleeping for 1 seconds
4773 DBGRPC: ENTERED krmqgns
4774 DBGRPC: krmqgns: looking for work for channel default
4775 DBGRPC: krmqgns: commands remaining to be executed:
4776 DBGRPC: CMD type=IRESTORE cmdid=1 status=NOT STARTED
4777 DBGRPC: 1 STEPstepid=1 cmdid=1 status=NOT STARTED
devtype=SBT_TAPE bs.stamp=981899610 step_size=27821056 Bytes
4778 DBGRPC: 1 DON_F stepid=2 satisfied=FALSE
4779 DBGRPC: 2 DON_F stepid=3 satisfied=TRUE
4780 DBGRPC: 2 STEPstepid=2 cmdid=1 status=STARTED
devtype=SBT_TAPE instid=2 parms=SBT_LIBRARY=/u01/app/oracle/admin/
credential_alias= zdlraingest-scan:1521/zdlra:dedicated')

I do not see any restore jobs scheduled in osb to even attempt a restore.

I have only ever successfully performed 1 single archivelog restore in all
of my tests. And cannot seem to get it to restore ever again. It simply
hangs. I've waited for 20 minutes before killing it.

Are there any parameters that you need for this to work all the time.

Is there anybody using ZDLRA and OSB out there? Are you able to restore

Thank you,

2018-07-27 06:42:07 UTC
Hello again, all,

I somehow managed to get the restore of archivelog working again. I haven't
changed anything. Between my first email and now I just attempted another
restore of an archivelog and it works.

My problem with the ZDLRA vs OSB remains - how can I get the backups to
remain on ZDLRA for 1 day and tape for 2 weeks? Is there a parameter that
I'm missing?


Post by LK
Hi all,
RA Library
obtool version
Protected DB version:
I'm taking RMAN backups to zdlra, and copying the backuppieces to tape.
The backup and restore to and from ZDLRA works perfectly.
I'm now trying to utilise the copy-to-tape facility using OSB. The tape
drive model is HP Ultrium LTO 5. The tape library model is SL30000 managed
by ACSLS. The backup, validate and crosscheck of the backuppieces on OSB.
But the restore hangs. We were told that the bug should have been fixed in
the RA_automation but it does not appear to be the case.
I have a few issues that I hope someone can help me with here.
1) I've set retention policy on the RA to one day and 2 weeks on tape
(OSB), however, all backups still exist in both the RA and tape. I have not
been able to recreate the scenario where backups exist only on tape. I've
reduced the space reserved for the protected database and it has not
helped. What is the trick to getting the retention policy working as I need
2) In order to force a restore of a backuppiece on osb I've had to delete
the backuppiece in the RA. A validate works but a restore hangs.
Status => 449
Reason => Retry Request
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Code>Retry Request</Code>
<Message>ORA-45200: HTTP status code: 449
ORA-45210: resource busy, retry possible
An RMAN debug shows the thing sleeping for 10 seconds and goes in a loop
4767 DBGRPC: 2 STEPstepid=2 cmdid=1 status=STARTED
devtype=SBT_TAPE instid=2 parms=SBT_LIBRARY=/u01/app/oracle/admin/
credential_alias= zdlraingest-scan:1521/zdlra:dedicated')
4768 DBGRPC: krmqgns: no work found for channel ORA_DISK_1
4769 DBGRPC: (krmqgns)
4770 DBGRPC: EXITED krmqgns with status 1
STARTED148 for channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1
4772 DBGRPC: krmxr - sleeping for 1 seconds
4773 DBGRPC: ENTERED krmqgns
4774 DBGRPC: krmqgns: looking for work for channel default
4776 DBGRPC: CMD type=IRESTORE cmdid=1 status=NOT STARTED
4777 DBGRPC: 1 STEPstepid=1 cmdid=1 status=NOT STARTED
devtype=SBT_TAPE bs.stamp=981899610 step_size=27821056 Bytes
4778 DBGRPC: 1 DON_F stepid=2 satisfied=FALSE
4779 DBGRPC: 2 DON_F stepid=3 satisfied=TRUE
4780 DBGRPC: 2 STEPstepid=2 cmdid=1 status=STARTED
devtype=SBT_TAPE instid=2 parms=SBT_LIBRARY=/u01/app/oracle/admin/
credential_alias= zdlraingest-scan:1521/zdlra:dedicated')
I do not see any restore jobs scheduled in osb to even attempt a restore.
I have only ever successfully performed 1 single archivelog restore in all
of my tests. And cannot seem to get it to restore ever again. It simply
hangs. I've waited for 20 minutes before killing it.
Are there any parameters that you need for this to work all the time.
Is there anybody using ZDLRA and OSB out there? Are you able to restore
Thank you,
Mladen Gogala
2018-07-27 07:36:52 UTC
LTO-5? The current version is LTO-8, wit8 30 TB of compressed capacity.
LTO-8 not only has a larger capacity than LTO-5, it also writes thing
faster than LTO-5. LTO-5 belongs to the Smithsonian, along with the
Fujitsu 9600 BPI reel tapes and US Robotics V92 modem.  Here is
something for the older folks on the group:

The younger generation will simply not recognize the sound.
Post by LK
I'm now trying to utilise the copy-to-tape facility using OSB. The
tape drive model is HP Ultrium LTO 5.
Mladen Gogala
Database Consultant
Tel: (347) 321-1217
